Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 07 January 2009

The Great Male Survey

Who and what is “the modern man”? AskMen.com polled over 75 000 participants to find out the answer to this question, and now you can find out what the modern man feels about dating, sexuality, lifestyle, money, and gender in 2008.


1. 69% - Would never cheat
2. 79% - Don’t consider salary the best measure of professional success
3. 84% - Have a grooming regimen that goes beyond the basics
4. 76% - Believe that they have a soul mate
5. 83% - Believe that men should pay for the majority of dates
6. 86% - Are not completely satisfied with their sex lives
7. 59% - Would dump a girlfriend if she became fat
8. 63% - Would buy a gas-guzzling car if money wasn’t a factor
9. 85% - Would have sex with a coworker
10. 56% - See the drink they order as a reflection of their masculinity or character

See all the results of The Great Male Survey at AskMen.com
( http://static.askmen.com/specials/2008_great_male_survey/index.html).

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