Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, 06 January 2009

Remember MacGyver 1985

Lets go back a couple of years, well maybe a bit more, lets make it as far as 1985! I can still remember that all time favorite tune of MacGyver, can you?

Well guess what I've been watching these last couple of days, all 139 episodes of my favorite make a plan man, MacGyver.

For those of you who needs a slight reminder of who this special man was: Macgyver is a secret agent with a difference. He is quiet, mild mannered, deeply principled and refuses to carry a gun on his missions. Fortunately, the last detail is unimportant when compared to his astounding mind. Drawing on a vast practical knowledge of science, Macgyver is able to make use of any mundane materials around him to create unorthodox solutions to any problem he faces. The enemies of world peace and justice continually learn that underestimating this man is a fatal mistake for their plans.

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