Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Monday, 15 December 2008

SOSF - Save our Seas Foundation

The best part of a coastal holiday is spending hours frolicking in the sea. Be it swimming, body boarding, surfing, kayaking or even just cruising around in your rubber duck you will be one of thousands of holiday makers who’ll be spending this summer at the beach.

Sharing the water with you are thousands of different species of fishes, whales, seals, dolphins and of course sharks.
Most visitors to the Cape are petrified at the thought of sharks that they simply refuse to go anywhere near, in or on the water. This is a shame because statistically more people are killed by falling coconuts and broken chairs than by sharks worldwide.

One organisation that is committed to changing this perception is the Save our Seas Foundation (SOSF) who this year have teamed up with Wavescapes Surf Film Festival. Kicking off last Friday night on a surprisingly windless Clifton 4th beach the event attracted over 3000 people who turned up to picnic on the sand, watch the sunset and learn more about sharks, why we should conserve, respect and certainly not fear them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can find out more about the Save Our Seas Foundation from their website: www.saveourseas.com and they also have a Shark Centre in Kalk Bay which is open to the public.