Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Thursday, 04 December 2008

Suffering from festive season stress?

This time of year is not called "silly season" for nothing! The 1st of December arrives and with it comes extended traffic jams, queues and congestion.

This is a time for sharing. Involve your family and friends in all festive preparations. Here are some ideas to help lighten your load.

* As a family set a theme or colour scheme for this Christmas. Involve everyone in choosing decorations and they'll want to stay involved with setting things up.

* If you are planning on having lots of visitors throughout the day – set the table once – use a long lasting centre piece such as 'peace in the home' in terracotta pots, add candles, lanterns and torches for the night time. Set up a separate table for buffet tea/coffee – this takes off a lot of pressure and gives you more time to mingle and relax.

* Decide on a simple menu that can be prepared well in advance to reduce last minute stress. You want to be out celebrating with your guests and not cooped up in the kitchen.

* Delegate simple tasks to the kids – setting the table (you can do a sample setting for them to copy), gift wrapping, card making. The key is to keep things fun – that way they'll stay motivated. Tip: set out some coloured card, stars and glitter glue so the children can make their own cards while you focus on more challenging things.

* This is a great time of year to go through the old toys to make space for the new. Involve the children with this task and let them put broken or seldom-used toys aside for giving away. Before Christmas go with your children to a charity of their choice to experience the joy of giving.

* Shop for gifts throughout the year – this way you wont blow your entire bonus cheque on Christmas gifts. Have a list of names with a budget figure next to their name to keep you focused – once you have purchased a gift for that person write the gift next to the name and cross them off your list. Remember teachers and caregivers and have a couple of extra generic gifts packed away in case someone unexpected pops in. (This tip might be a little late... but as the saying goes 'better late than never' – now you know the info – get to the stores ASAP)

* Keep one running 'to-do' list. As a family decide who will take on which tasks. People are far more likely to carry out a task if they have chosen to do it other than being told that they have to do it.

* Do whatever preparations you can at least 2 weeks before. On your 'to-do' list allocate an estimated time frame for the task – mark in red the tasks that can be carried out before the time and allocate a time for these in your diary.

* Remember that this is supposed to be fun. If you feel yourself slipping into the wicked witch of the west... take a deep breadth and laugh it off.

Articles supplied by Tracey Foulkes of the national professional organiser company Get Organised. Visit www.getorganised.co.za. to download your free organising info pack to help you take control of your clutter and create calm in your life. Contact tracey@getorganised.co.za

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