Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Friday, 31 October 2008

NEWS: Women On Trial For Topless Tan

Warsaw - Two young Polish women on Friday went on trial for indecent exposure after they sunbathed topless, a practice which is extremely rare in this deeply Catholic country.

The women, aged 26 and 28, fell foul of the law in their hometown of Szczecin, on Poland's northwestern Baltic coast, as they took in the May sunshine on a local beach.

They were busted by a passing police patrol after they refused to put their bikini tops back on, and found themselves in court when failed to pay a fine of 150 zlotys.

The case of the two women - one of whom is a glamour model and has appeared topless in Polish men's magazines - sparked such massive media interest that a first hearing in September had to be postponed when too many reporters turned up to fit into the court gallery.

The women have pleaded not guilty, arguing there was no explicit ban on going topless at the beach.

They also said fellow sunbathers had not been offended, noting that many had jumped to their defence when the police officers - all male - took them to task.

If found guilty, the women face a fine of 1 500 zlotys.

What a joke!

Let's invite them to Sandy Bay: Want to whip off all your clothes and hangout (I love the pun) naked in front of strangers? Sandy Bay beach is the only beach in South Africa where it is (unofficially) considered acceptable to tan and bathe completely naked (water is freezing so bathing is not that popular). Situated just south of Llandudno (in Cape Town) it is known for its beautiful white sandy beach, naked sunbathing and surf (when sea swells are large there is a great beach break). As a backdrop there are the jagged peaks of the Twelve Apostles mountain range. The Sandy Bay beach area comprises a number of beaches inter-spaced with large granite slabs.

Need A Laugh?

Watch Video Here

Waterbed Prank

Halloween Icons

I found some cute Halloween icons on the net, visit: http://www.funmunch.com/icon/holidays/halloween/ for more ideas! We in South Africa does not really celebrate Halloween, so it's just nice to see what other people get up to. To those who do celebrate, enjoy and don't do anything you're not suppose too

Myspace Halloween Icons

Myspace Halloween Icons

Myspace Halloween Icons

Myspace Halloween Icons

Myspace Halloween Icons

Myspace Halloween Icons

Global Village

If you could fit the entire population of the world into a village consisting of 100 people, maintaining the proportions of all the people living on Earth, that village would consist of:

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 Americans
 8 Africans

There would be:

52 woman and 48 men
30 Caucasians and 70 non-Caucasians
30 Christians and 70 non-Christians
89 heterosexuals and
11 homosexuals

6 People would possess 59% of the wealth and they would all come from the USA
80 would live in poverty
70 would be illiterate
50 would suffer from hunger and malnutrition
1 would be dying
1 would be being born
1 would own a computer
1 (yes, only one) would have a university degree

If we looked at the world in this way, the need for acceptance and understanding would be obvious,
But, consider again the following:

If you woke up this morning in good health, you have more luck than one million people, who won’t live through the week.

If you have never experienced the horror of war, the solitude of prison, the pain of torture, were not close to death from starvation, then you are better off than 500 million people.

If you can go to your place of worship without fear that someone will assault or kill you, then you are luckier than 3 billion (that’s right) people.

If you have a full fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are wealthier than 75% of the world’s population.

If you currently have money in the bank, in your wallet and a few coins in your purse, you are one of 8 of the privileged few amongst the 100 people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married, you’re a rare individual.


WORK like you don’t need the money
LOVE like nobody has ever hurt you
DANCE like nobody is watching
SING like nobody is listening
LIVE as if this was paradise on Earth

And apart from that, simply have a nice day!

Halloween Glitter Graphics

It's Halloween - A Bit Of Info

The word "Halloween" is derived from All Hallows Eve, which occurs on November 1. The "All Hollows Day" or "All Saints Day". It is an important date on the Catholic calendar, a time to observe and honor saints. 

People believed that the souls of the dead come back to earth to visit their families or friends. People began to call November 1st as a holy or "Hallowed" day. It was to be called Al Hallow's Day. Which was later shortened to what we know today as Halloween. 

In the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. This was called Samhain pronounced sow-en). This was the Celtic New Year. 

The disembodied spirits of everyone who had died throughout the year would return to seek living bodies to possess for the following year. It was their aterlife or Panati. 

On the night of October 31, all those living used to extinguish fires in their homes and make them cold and undesirable. They also dressed in ghoulish costumes and made noisy parades as a way to discourage and frighten away these spirits. 

Several stories spak of Celts burning someone at the stake who was perceived to be evil or possessed, as a demonstration to those spirits.

In the first century AD, Romans abandoned the sacrifice of humans in favor of burning effigies. 

Over the centuries, as people became less believing in the supernatural, the practices became more ritualized. However people still enjoyed dressing up as: hobgoblins, ghosts, and witches. This became increasingly more ceremonial. 

In the 1840's, Halloween traditions were brought to America by Irish immigrants fleeing their country's potato famine. 

The favorite pranks in New England included tipping over outhouses and unhinging fence gates. 

Trick-or-Treating is believed to have originated with a ninth-century European custom called "souling". All Souls Day (November 2), early Christians used to walk from village to village begging for "soul cakes". These cakes were made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more prayers they would promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained in limbo after death. People thought that prayers could help hasten a soul's passage to heaven. 

Jack O'Lantern's Story is fascinating one about the Irishman named Jack who was a notorious drunkard and trickster. 

Halloween has grown out of rituals of the Celts celebrating a new year, from Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans, and the Irish legend of Jack O'Lantern.

Carving Jack O' Lanterns is a Halloween custom that dates back to ancient Ireland, although the first Jack-o-Lanterns were made of turnips, beets or even hollowed out potatoes, not pumpkins. The large orange squashes didn't come into prominence until Irish immigrants settled in the United States, where pumpkins were cheaper and more plentiful than turnips. 
Several version of an Irish legend tells of a man named Stingy Jack, who invited the Devil to have a drink. When it came time to pay, he convinced the Devil to change into a sixpence, but instead of paying for the drink Jack pocketed the sixpence and kept it stored beside a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back. Jack made a deal with the Devil before letting him free that the Devil could not harass him. Next Halloween Jack died and was turned back from the Gates of Heaven. He went to the Gates of Hell and the Devil told him to go away, as Jack had made him promise not to claim his soul. Jack didn't want to leave because it was dark and he couldn't find his way. The Devil tossed Jack a glowing coal and Jack put it inside a turnip, and ever since with this "Jack O' Lantern", Stingy jack's lonely soul has been roaming the faces of this earth. 

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.

Although the term "trick or treat," appeared in print only around 1939, its origins could be traced back over 2000 years. 

Among the Celts - as well as among the Chinese, the Egyptians, and even the Aztecs - it was thought that the spirits of the dead required food and drink. During the festival of Samhain (discussed in greater detail in the article on Halloween History), the people would leave various articles of food outside to placate the spirits. This was very important, for only the finest mutton legs, vegetables, eggs and poultry - as well as honey and wine - were left outside for the spirits to consume on their way to the netherworld. To supply nothing meant that the hungry and possibly irritated spirit might intrude upon one's house and help itself to one's belongings. Leaving out food that had spoiled was also considered an open invitation to disaster. Therefore, families who faced uncertain diets, often of very low quality, gave what was most precious to them: food. This takes on added implications when we recall that, at that time, food was very difficult to preserve. Moreover, Halloween marked winter's beginning, when food was at its scarcest, and starvation not uncommon. Thus the roaming from door-to-door demanding treats can be traced to the Celtic period and the first few centuries of Christianity when it was thought that the souls of the dead were out and around, along with fairies, witches, and demons. Food and drink were left to placate them. 

As the centuries wore on, people began dressing as these dreadful creatures and performing antics in exchange for offerings of food and drink. This practice, called mumming, evolved into our present trick or treating. To this day, witches, ghosts, and skeleton figures of the dead are among the favorite disguises."

Although the Celtic traditions seems to be the main root, there are probably several origins, mostly Irish. An old Irish peasant practice called for going door to door to collect money, bread cake, cheese, eggs, butter, nuts, apples, etc., in preparation for the festival of St. Columbus Kill. 

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Did You Know?

I'm sure many of you have used Lux soap bars, or still do! Maybe you know that they're part of Unilever, an international company supplying worldwide.

Well, the Did You Know? part comes in that Unilever has changed they branding and is busy promoting a new range of Lux soap bars. Why is this worth mentioning? Well, every month Lux soap bars is on our shopping list and this month was no different. The only difference came when I went to she shelf to purchase my normal Pure White Lux soap bars, there were none on the shelf, which I found quite surprising as it's normally quite well stocked due to large demand. I inquired from a shop assistant about this and was told that Pure White Lux soap bars will no longer be supplied, due to Unilever's new range of Lux soap bars!

I was shocked to say the least, how can something that's been selling so well be removed, surely it would be madness, the company cutting off it's own leg!

I went to a couple of retailers and were told the same story, at least I was able to still find a couple of my Pure White Lux soap bars, old stock they called it. 

As normal when not satisfied with a service or an answer, I phoned Unilever to find out why they have made such a stupid change. A couple of days later seeing that my call was not returned I used the old trusted email, with return receipt when receiving. This worked quite well and within a day I had an answer to my question, well kind of. I also received a letter in the post from them two days later stating the following:

"The Lux brand is the master brand for Unilever and with the innovation of the global team it is unfortunate that they have omitted the Pure White Lux soap bar from the new range of Lux soap bars. Unilever South Africa is aware of the number of complaints that we are receiving about the omission of the white Lux soap bar from the range and have escalated this to members of the board as well.

May we suggest that you try ......... (other products from Unilever) as a replacement and or the alternate to the White Lux soap bar in the meantime.

We trust that we have satisfactory answered your query and thank you for referring this matter to us."

Ya right!

Unfortunately for me and many others I know this was the only soap I was able to use as I'm allergic to soap with colour and fragrance. 

Well let's wait and see what Unilever will do next!

If you're one of those people missing your favourite Pure White Lux soap, feel free to contact them and letting them know how you feel about it, every voice can make a difference, but do you have the guts to speak out?

Consumer Care Line: 0860 572 861

If you've got any thoughts, leave a comment!

Words Of Wisdom

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

Believe It Or Not!

Myspace Funny Pictures

Myspace Funny Pictures

Myspace Funny Pictures

Myspace Funny Pictures

Myspace Funny Pictures

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

How Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

"If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow any more." 
                                                                 -- Shirley Hufstedler 

How are you sabotaging your potential for change? 

We unconsciously use defence mechanisms to shield us from situations we perceive to be scary or painful. A part of you may want to grow and change, but another part may be resisting because change always moves you into new territory in your thinking and emotions. 

If you find you are getting anxious, fearful, angry, frustrated, dismissive or unmotivated, then defence mechanisms are at work. Watch for them and know them to be signs of fear that wants to hold you back. Then courageously move through them. 

"I have never been contained except I made the prison."                                                                                                                               -- Mary Evans  

Good Morning

Good Morning 123

Monday, 27 October 2008

Words Of Wisdom

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.


Sunday, 26 October 2008

Did You Know?

Cotton candy (American English), Candy Floss (British English / Hiberno English), Fairy Floss (Australian English), or Spook Asem (South Afrika Afrikaans) (translated into English ghost breath)is a form of spun sugar. Since it consists of mostly air, servings are large. Many people consider eating cotton candy part of the quintessential experience of a visit to a fairground or circus. The most popular color of cotton candy is pink, though any color can be made. Eating cotton candy is often considered only one part of its allure; the second part is the act of watching it being produced in a machine.


It was introduced in 1904 by William Morrison and John C. Wharton, at the St. Louis World's Fair as "Candy Floss"[1] with great success, selling 68,655 boxes at the then-high $0.25 ($5.70 in 2007 dollars), half the cost of admission to the fair.


Sweet and sticky, it dissolves quickly in the mouth (due to its amorphous nature) although it feels like wool to the touch. It does not have much of an aroma although the machine itself has a cooked sugar smell when in operation. Soft and fluffy when dry, when it comes in contact with moisture, it becomes sticky and damp. Because the sugar is hygroscopic, and has a very large surface area, it will become coarser, harder and generally less "flossy" once exposed to the atmosphere.

You want to know why I did the above, well at the moment I'm eating pink Candy Floss and was just wondering when it came from and why so many different names, especiallythe Afrikaans name Spook Asem (Ghost Breath), which unfortunately I could not find any info on, will keep searching.

Hero: Fight Like Cat And Dog?

Sydney - A dog was hailed as a hero on Sunday after it risked its life to save a litter of newborn kittens from a house fire, rescuers said. 

In a case which gives the lie to the saying about "fighting like cats and dogs", the terrier cross named Leo had to be revived with oxygen and heart massage after his ordeal. Fire broke out overnight at the house in Australia's southern city of Melbourne, where he was guarding the kittens. 

Fire fighters who revived Leo said he refused to leave the building and was found by them alongside the litter of kittens, despite thick smoke. 

"Leo wouldn't leave the kittens and it nearly cost him his life," fire service Commander Ken Brown told reporters. 

The four kittens also survived the fire and on Sunday Leo, who fire fighters nicknamed "Smoky", was again back at the house.

Rugby: Recovering From After Match Party......

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Rugby: Sharks Win Absa Currie Cup

The Sharks sent Durban into a frenzy of celebration by beating the Blue Bulls 14-9 in the 2008 Absa Currie Cup Final played at the Absa Stadium on Saturday night.

Tries by the Sharks' talismen, Ruan Pienaar in the first half and Francois Steyn in the second, ensured that Johann Muller's men broke a 12-year drought by winning the coveted golden trophy for the first time since 1996.

That's my team! Go Sharks Go!

Blue Bulls Funeral

Today Is The Big Day: Currie Cup Final

As we take a final look ahead to the Absa Currie Cup Final between the Sharks and Vodacom Blue Bulls on Saturday, we are probably veering off the one message that has been coming through constantly: it’s all about what happens on the day. 

But for those who enjoying reading into stats, there are some very interesting ones that give credence to the argument that this Final at The Absa Stadium Durban will be anything but dull and boring. 

Previous form counts for a lot psychologically, but on that point, it is shared in this year’s tournament, the Sharks and Bulls having beaten each other at home, the Bulls winning 35-14 at Loftus and the Sharks overturning that result 34-25 in Durban two months later. 

However, looking back at the past 10 Absa Currie Cup encounters taking place in Durban between these two side stretching over a 15 year period, the Sharks certainly have a verifiable advantage playing at home. 

1993: W 40 - 20 
1994: W 44 - 28 
1995: W 23 - 13 
1998: W 24 - 19 
2002: L 19 - 22 (Semi-final) 
2003: W 35 - 28 
2004: L 23 - 27 
2006: L 32 - 50 
2007: W 29 - 10 
2008: W 34 - 25 

Summary: Played 10, Won 7, Lost 3, scoring 303 points and conceding 242 for an average score of 30-24 in the Sharks’ favour. 

Omens too come into play. Bulls’ fans will point out that history favours them in the eighth year of every decade; they won the tournament in 1968, ’78, ’88 and ‘98. Sharks fans will counter that saying there was a 12 year gap between the Springboks winning the Rugby World Cup (1995 and 2007) and with the Sharks last winning the Absa Currie Cup in 1996, 2008 is 12 years later… 

Then there is the French connection, Frederic Michalak in 2008 and Thierry Lacroix and Olivier Roumat in 1996, or the fact that one of the Sharks players in 1996 is now the coach – John Plumtree. 

How about the fact that in both the 1996 and 2008 Finals, the Sharks boast Springbok Captains in their sides (Gary Teichmann and John Smit). If the Bulls argue that Victor Matfield is a Bok Captain, well, Johann Muller has also led the Springboks! 

However, as has been warned, it’s not about a piece of paper that lists 44 players, but rather about what happens on the day that counts. The physical preparation has all been done, now it is up to how the players handle the pressure, and perhaps one of the biggest challenges is the psychological demands placed on each player during the course of the match. 

Experience plays a huge role, and as can be seen from the table below, while the Bulls might have a greater accumulation of Currie Cup caps, the Sharks come out tops when it comes to International Test appearances, which is certainly where the greatest physical and mental challenge can be applied. 

Will home ground advantage play a role? The Sharks are unbeaten at home all year and they have certainly turned Absa Stadium Durban into a fortress that they defend with courage, commitment and honour. 

But come the final hooter - in fact even the shrill blast of Jonathan Kaplan’s whistle to get the game underway at 4.30pm tomorrow - all statistics, omens, records and arguments will be moot. 

Bring it on!

Friday, 24 October 2008

Understand Your PC Better

Myspace Funny Pictures

What Do You Use Your PC For?

Myspace Funny Pictures

Caffeine Machine

Myspace Funny Pictures


Myspace Funny Pictures

Mouse Robert

Myspace Funny Pictures


Myspace Funny Pictures

Chocolate Keyboard


"You can never get to peace and inner security without first acknowledging all of the good things in your life. If you're forever wanting and longing for more without first appreciating things the way they are, you'll stay in discord."

                                                  -- Doc Childre and Howard Martin 

Develop an attitude of gratitude. We discover a sense of wholeness as we appreciate both the small and big things in our lives. And it really helps to remember to appreciate ourselves. Appreciation is more than just acceptance -- it's respect and admiration. Let go of criticism and self-abuse. 

"Generally, appreciation means some blend of thankfulness, admiration, approval, and gratitude. In the financial world, something that ‘appreciates’ grows in value. With the power tool of appreciation, you get the benefit of both perspectives: as you learn to be consistently thankful and approving, your life will grow in value." 

                                                  -- Doc Childre and Howard Martin 


Thursday, 23 October 2008

Rugby: Absa Currie Cup Final

The big day is nearing, the Absa Currie Cup Final between the Sharks and the Blue Bulls.

There are no surprises with the Sharks team announced by Coach John Plumtree for Saturday’s Absa Currie Cup Final against the Vodacom Blue Bulls taking place at The Absa Stadium Durban at 4.30pm. 

The Sharks are enjoying the benefits of continuity in team selection and the momentum that this will hopefully bring to the side in a bruising climax to the domestic season should be apparent. Just like their opposition, the Sharks have named an unchanged line-up from the victorious semi-final. 

With an all-international backline and a total of 16 players with Test experience in the match 22, this side shows the right mix of youthful enthusiasm, world-class game breakers, experience of playing on the biggest stage [the Rugby World Cup] and most importantly, leadership, not only in terms of captaincy but spread throughout the squad. 

Not to be discounted either is the massive value offered by the bench: four Springboks including the Springbok Captain John Smit. 

There are sure to be some mouth-watering individual tussles, but in the final analysis, this game is going to be based around team-work, creating and finishing opportunities and how each side handles the pressure. 

As finals go, the 2008 Absa Currie Cup doesn’t get more exciting than this and it is fitting that these two teams who have enjoyed such fantastic rivalry over the years are once more pitted against each other.

Sharks Matchday 22 

15. Stefan Terblanche 
14. Odwa Ndungane
13. Adrian Jacobs 
12. Francois Steyn 
11. JP Pietersen
10. Frederic Michalak
9. Ruan Pienaar 
8. Ryan Kankowski 
7. Jean Deysel
6. Jacques Botes 
5. Johann Muller (Capt)
4. Steven Sykes 
3. Jannie du Plessis 
2. Bismarck du Plessis 
1. Tendai Mtawarira

16. John Smit 
17. Deon Carstens
18. Albert van den Berg
19. Keegan Daniel
20. Rory Kockott 
21. Bradley Barritt 
22. Waylon Murray

You Can Make A Difference.....

Have you ever seen the radical group Greenpeace on TV? Well if you want to, you can actually become a part of this life changing group, and no, you don't have to jump on ships, climb a radio active towers, or through yourself in front of a speeding train.

By just sending an email (becoming an online activist) when Greenpeace needs action taken you can make a difference. Visit their web site at: http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ and decide whether or not you really want to make difference for yourself, your family and your friends!

I've been a member for more than 3 months now, and I can say that I'm really trying to make my world a better place, can you?


Philips (your favourite TV, shaver, DVD player) stands out as the biggest obstacle to tackling the growing problem of old electronics (e-waste) being dumped in developing countries. 

In a time where we should be looking towards renewable energy, local authorities in Sardinia have plans to expand the coal capacity in the region.

Are you sitting back and letting someone else fight your battles and still complain when things don't go the way you want them to go? Are you the arm chair supporter with the big mouth?

Stand up for what you believe, if we start one by one, just imagine what a difference we can make!

Words Of Wisdom

Stay motivated! As long as I have a desire, I have a reason for living. SATISFACTION IS DEATH... We must find a GREAT reason to wake up every morning. (Always remember) Winning isn't everything....  WANTING TO WIN IS!

Good Evening

Good Evening 1

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Relieve The Pressure Cooker

"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life." 

                                                               -- Mary Manin Morrissey 

Journaling is a great way to release and let go. To get things off your chest. Our minds are our own worst enemies. The same thoughts go round and round in the same old ways and keep us stuck. 

If something bothers you, write about it. Get it out so you can see it from a different perspective. Let it out. Let it go. 

Owning and healing your pressure cooker is an important step in claiming your power, building your esteem and making your stand. 

"In truth, to attain to interior peace, one must be willing to pass through the contrary to peace. Such is the teaching of the Sages."

                                                             -- Swami Brahmanada 

Wake Up.....

Wake Up

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


"Like any other kind of love, friendship can be lost within our lives due to neglect or anger or, sometimes, simply circumstances. However it is lost, we often lose a part of ourselves that can never quite be recovered."

Stunning/ Beautiful Photographs

Biggest Kite

Gomberg Kite Productions presents the Biggest Kite in the World. The "MegaFlag" is a fully functional, self-flying kite measuring 130 feet wide and 80 feet deep. That's an astounding 10,400 square feet!! The kite is an inflatable "soft" design with no sticks or spars. It was designed and constructed by Guinness Record Holder Peter Lynn of New Zealand.

Words Of Wisdom

So you want a promotion? A new house? Lose weight? New relationship??? Sometimes in order to get to the next level you have to reach beyond your comfort zone... Never be afraid of change... Big progress ALWAYS challenges you to take risks! (Remember this) In order to emerge in life sometimes you have to throw yourself into an emergency!!!!