Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Rugby: Springbok Sevens Into Semis

Dubai - South Africa will play Fiji in the semi-finals of the Emirates Airline Dubai Sevens after they beat Australia 19-0 in their quarter-final match Saturday.

IRB Sevens World Series champions New Zealand scored a narrow 21-17 win over Kenya and will face an impressive England in the other semi-final. The English scored an easy 15-5 win over Argentina. Fiji won the all Pacific encounter against Samoa by 12-7.

Australia forced the Springboks to make a string of tackles early on and it was only a spectacular break by Renfred Dazel, feeding Ryno Benjamin for an easy touch-down, that saw the South Africans into the lead by 7-0 at halftime.

Robert Ebersohn was the best SA player on the first day and he continued with his good form by scoring the second try from a set piece. Substitute Gio Aplon scored a third try seconds from the end to secure an easy victory for the Springbok Sevens.

2008 Motorcycle Toy Run

Launched in 1982 simultaneously in Cape Town and Johannesburg by the Italian Motorcycle Owners Club (IMOC), the Toy Run™ is now an international event held throughout the world and is the largest motorcycling-related charity event in South Africa. A Toy Run™ is held in over a dozen centres in South Africa, hosted by local motorcycle clubs and other organisations with the invaluable assistance of the commercial sector. 2007 saw the Cape Town event grow yet again with more than 24000 toys being collected by Cape Town alone, and distributed to over 122 organisations throughout the Cape and South Africa.
The IMOC Cape Town Toy Run™ Trust Committee is assisted in the organisation by the Italian Motorcycle Owners Club of Cape Town

This year is the 26th Annual Toy Run™ and we look forward to again building on the foundation of support and goodwill that makes this event so special.


To improve and enhance the image of motorcyclists in their communities.

To collect and distribute toys and gifts to less priveleged children up to 18 years over the Christmas period.

Map of all cities taking part in the Toy Run today! WOW
Message from the Executive Deputy Mayor Cllr Grant Haskin

2008 Toy Run™, organised by the Italian Motorcycle Owners Club and the Charity Toy Run® Trust, taking place in Cape Town, is my very first run where I will be riding my own motorcycle. As Deputy Mayor, I am honoured to have been asked to form part of the leading pack of riders but most of all; I am excited to make a contribution to those most in need….our children.

Join me and people from all over the country to make a difference in the life of a child, by giving from your heart. Remember that there is a great need for real toys. Fluffy is OK but a ball or a doll would be better.

Even if you can not be part of the ride, join us at Maynardvile with your toys and make a difference. Last but not least I appeal to all to enjoy the day responsibly. 26 years without incident is an achievement in it self.

See you there and look forward to meeting you all – Grant Haskin Executive Deputy Mayor of Cape Town.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Weird Car Crashes

Daily Forgiveness

"As long as you don't forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in your mind."

-- Isabelle Holland

We cannot avoid daily resentment and thoughts of guilt. They are a part of human nature. What we can do is release their grip on us. We can forgive others and ourselves daily.

Forgiveness requires nothing in return. There are no conditions. It gets rid of old baggage and clears up unfinished business. It leads us to a life of authenticity, lightness and directness. Forgiveness is the highest form of letting go of resentment and ego.

True forgiveness is more than an apology, understanding and acceptance. There is an element of recreating and re-imagining. There is a need to envision ourselves as more loving, interdependent, courageous and compassionate. Forgiveness requires honouring the sacred journey of learning about life - our life and others'.

"Whatever we have done, we can always make amends for it without ever looking back in guilt or sorrow."

-- Eknath Easwaran

It's Friday.......

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

SCAM - Please Take Note

Received the following notice from SARS : South African Revenue Service

Faulty deposits into your banking account: Nigerian scam:

If someone phones you regarding a wrong deposit into your SARS, Telkom acc; don't deal with it. These people deposit a stolen cheque into your account, with the reference of SARS or Telkom, and after a couple of days, the cheque RD.

They will then contact you and ask you to please refund the money, coz they are in trouble at work for making the wrong deposit. They do this on the mentioned companies' letterheads.
If you get contacted by who ever, claiming they are from the mentioned company who deposited money into your account, claiming you refund the money - tell them they must have their lawyer
contacting your bank manager!

Joke: Vrystaat vs Japan


A Free State "Boer" walks into his local bar and to his surprise
finds a little Japanese man sitting in his regular chair.

"Kleingat, you sommer sitting op my stoel" he angrily shouts.
Before he knows it, the Jap is up and knocks the farmer flying.
After the farmer recovers he asks: "What the blerry hell was that?"

"Zat martial art from my country Japan" replies the Jap and strolls off in a stroppy way.

The following day the farmer finds the Jap in "His" seat again.
The farmer goes: "You is alweer sitting op my stoel" and again the Jap knocks the farmer out with some nifty Kung Fu.
On regaining consciousness the farmer asks: "What the blerry hell was that?"

"Zat Karate from my country Japan" and as stroppy as ever ambles off.

Now the farmer is dik die moer in.........
The next day the farmer finds the Jap sitting in "His" chair again!
"So, you is alweer sitting op my stoel. Vat So" and he knocks the daylights out of the Jap with one blow.
The little Jap comes around after some time and asks the farmer what was that?

The farmer replies: "That, my china was a bliksemse Isuzu 2.8 litre turbo diesel bakkie se wheelspanner....also from your country Japan "

A Night To Forget!!!!

Springbok Day - 1st December 2008

I just received this interesting email in my Inbox:

"As you are no doubt aware, the Springbok emblem is once again under attack, specifically by the SA Parliament's Sport Portfolio Committee. They demand nothing less than the complete abolition of the Springbok emblem and it's replacement by the King Protea as the symbol for rugby. They also demand no further use of the term, Springboks, to describe the South African national team. They will not consider any compromises. This, despite the fact that Nelson Mandela supports the Springbok emblem and that it is quite evident that the Boks have massive public support. So much for building the Rainbow Nation, reconciliation and fashioning the united non-racial society we yearn for!

The driving force behind this lunacy is Butana Khompela, the same man who threatened to confiscate the Springbok team and management's passports before the World Cup, if the team was not "transformed enough." Despite the massive support show by the country for the Springboks during both World Cup wins, this little bureaucrat with an axe to grind continues to seek the destruction of a beloved emblem which has been in existence for over 100 years.

What can we do?

On 1 December 2008, South Africans all over the globe are planning to stand up in visible protest against political interference in the issue over the Springbok emblem.

On this day we ask all of you to wear your hat, blanket, jersey, t-shirt, cap, scarf, pants, gloves or whatever, with the Springbok emblem on it.
Whether it is to work, school, church or even parliament, as long as the emblem can be seen.


Supporters do it in green - with the Bok on their chests."