Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Monday, 24 November 2008

Predicted Technologies For 2008

A web site called Twenty Steps (http://www.twentysteps.com/technology-predictions-2008/) predicted the following technology predictions for 2008:

1. Google and Microsoft will merge at the end of the year and call the new company Dave.

2. Apple launch a new product (the iWiHiFi) which fails miserably. Steve Jobs blames it on the demise of Digg.

3. John Chow will quit blogging in the summer after admitting that he only makes $3.12 a month.

4. Facebook and MySpace will merge and the new social application will be called MyFace. You will invite people to join by asking them to “Sit On MyFace”.

5. Ask.com will get hacked in February. Nobody notices until June.

6. Duncan Riley will post something nice about IZEA. It will later be found out to be a PayPerPost review.

7. A video which does not contain copyright material, involve shaky camera phone footage of two chicks fighting or which is not a poorly put together montage of shots accompanied by a cheesy soundtrack which has been hastily cobbled together to cash in on one of the latest trends will be found on YouTube. Google will immediately pull the clip and apologise for disruption of normal service.

8. Microsoft launch IE8 in the Spring of 2008. The entire planet needs to be rebooted.

9. Following the successful launch of her own YouTube channel, the Queen will set up a new blog called “Lizzie Windsor Writes” which will include a section entitled “Can One Have A Cheeseburger?” featuring photos of her corgis with humorous captions added by her husband who will sign his posts Phil The Greek.

10. Google will set up an area at The Plex to provide..ahem..executive relief to visiting search engine marketers. Critics will argue that they’ve been giving SEOs hand jobs for years.

What do you think?

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