Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Joke: Vrystaat vs Japan


A Free State "Boer" walks into his local bar and to his surprise
finds a little Japanese man sitting in his regular chair.

"Kleingat, you sommer sitting op my stoel" he angrily shouts.
Before he knows it, the Jap is up and knocks the farmer flying.
After the farmer recovers he asks: "What the blerry hell was that?"

"Zat martial art from my country Japan" replies the Jap and strolls off in a stroppy way.

The following day the farmer finds the Jap in "His" seat again.
The farmer goes: "You is alweer sitting op my stoel" and again the Jap knocks the farmer out with some nifty Kung Fu.
On regaining consciousness the farmer asks: "What the blerry hell was that?"

"Zat Karate from my country Japan" and as stroppy as ever ambles off.

Now the farmer is dik die moer in.........
The next day the farmer finds the Jap sitting in "His" chair again!
"So, you is alweer sitting op my stoel. Vat So" and he knocks the daylights out of the Jap with one blow.
The little Jap comes around after some time and asks the farmer what was that?

The farmer replies: "That, my china was a bliksemse Isuzu 2.8 litre turbo diesel bakkie se wheelspanner....also from your country Japan "

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