Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Monday, 24 November 2008

Did You Know?

Mohammed is now one of the 20 most popular names for boys born in England and Wales.

Prince Charles broke with an 80-year tradition by giving Camilla Parker Bowles a wedding ring fashioned from Cornish gold, instead of the nugget of Welsh gold that has provided rings for all royal brides and grooms since 1923.

If all the Smarties eaten in one year were laid end to end it would equal almost 63,380 miles, more than two-and-a-half times around the Earth's equator.

One person in four has had their identity stolen or knows someone who has.

Only in France and California are under 18s banned from using sunbeds.

"Restaurant" is the most mis-spelled word in search engines.

Rubber gloves could save you from lightning.

You're 10 times more likely to be bitten by a human than a rat.

You can bet on your own death.

The hotter it is, the more difficult it is for aeroplanes to take off. Air passengers in Nevada, where temperatures have reached 120F, have been told they can't fly.

Jimi Hendrix pretended to be gay to be discharged from the US Army.

One in six children think that broccoli is a baby tree.

One in 18 people has a third nipple.

Pulling your foot out of quicksand takes a force equivalent to that needed to lift a medium-sized car.

Bill Gates does not have an iPod.

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