Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Guess What Was For Supper?

As promised, here's the update for our weekly supper with the family! We could not smell a thing as we entered the Lategan's house, which was strange as we're suppose to have supper with them. Something was brewing though as the oven light was on, and that is normally a very good indication that supper is nearly ready. On the stove the rice was busy cooking all by itself, so something must be baking, well I can assume! 

Before we can eat, as always, watch 7de Laan.

Then out of the oven came a dish we had not prepared for, a dish we have not eaten in about 2 years! Bobotie, wow, that took me back to the good old days when my mother use to cook for us. Sweet memories. Bobotie served with rice and a nice green salad on the side. What more can a Afrikaner ask for?

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