Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Look For The Gifts

"In school you get the lesson and then take the test ... 
In life you take the test and then get the lesson."
                                     -- Unknown Source

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars."
                                -- Charles Beard

How is a problem in your life really an opportunity?

Problems invite us to go inside to recognize a bigger 
picture of ourselves and of life. This bigger picture 
brings meaning to what is unfolding. When you feel trapped 
in a problem, see if you can shift your perspective. 
Ask yourself, “What is my soul inviting me to learn 
from this situation?” The answer will always revolve 
around a quality or value, like gratitude, freedom, 
compassion, love, will, humour or acceptance. 
The answer will also always promote union rather than separation.

As soon as we find the meaning in our challenge, 
our resistance to it melts away. Often, awareness 
of the lesson is all that is needed to resolve the problem. 
If not, the awareness brings us courage and ways to work through it. 

"The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most
difficult period in one’s life."
                           -- Dalai Lama

"Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
                                -- Albert Einstein

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