Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

History In The Making........

She has silky brown hair and peircing blue eyes and has broungh nothing bu joy and excitment to her parents, But Susan Juliette Beatie's birth was extraordinary - her father gave birth to her after 40-hour labour and her mother stood by, coaching him through his contractions, feeding him ice chips and murmuring words of encouragement. And she cut the baby's umbilical cord and put the little girl on her exhausted but proud daddy's chest. 

Thomas Beatie says he is just like any other normal father.

Although born a woman, Beatie had his breasts removed and lives outwardly as a man after changing his gender to male. 

The 34-year-old says he retained his female sex organs because he intended to have children one day.

He conceived with sperm from a donor and was inseminated at home by his 45-year-old wife Nancy, using a do-it-yourself kit. 

Despite opposition from family, friends and the medical profession he continued with the controversial pregnancy and says that on June 29 he delivered Susan Juliette.

He told the News of the World: 'We see ourselves as a traditional family - husband, wife and child. Nancy and I have strong family values and will raise Susan with integrity, compassion and respect for all people. 

'Like any proud dad I look forward to being a huge part of my daughter's life. I can't wait to watch her and Nancy bake cookies and cupcakes together.'

Taken from the You and Dailymail

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