Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Sunday, 31 August 2008


Dis die voorpselling vir die week, regtig nie baie son nie!

Is dit lekker koud of wat?

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Springbokke Hoera!

Kan jy dit glo, wonderwerke gebeur nog!
Die Springbokke het behoorlik vir die Ausies ore aangesit met hulle
53/8 oorwinning in die ABSA Stadion in Durban vanmiddag!
Nou is die vraag? Hoekom nou eers?
Hoekom kan ons nou soos die Wereld Beker Span speel wat ons is?
Hoekom? Hoekom? Hoekom?
Baie geluk met julle oorwinning!

What Is A Dog?

 1. Dogs lie around all day, sprawled on the most confortable piece of furniture in the house.

 2. The can hear a package of food opening half a block away, but don't hear you when you're in the same room.

 3. They can look dumb and lovable all at the same time.

 4. The growl when they're not happy.

 5. When you want to play, they want to play.

 6. When you want to be alone, they want to play.

 7. They are great at begging.

 8. They will love you forever if you rub their tummies.

 9. They leave their toys everywhere.

10. They do disgusting things with their mouths and then try to  give you a kiss.

Springbok Strategy........

Friday, 29 August 2008

Sharks Did It Again!

The Sharks had to battle a game Boland side and the treacherous conditions in a tough Absa Currie Cup match at Boland Stadium Wellington, before running out 41-7 winners on Friday and gaining the valuable bonus point.

Yes, Yes, Yes, another win for the Sharks!!!!!

Best Email Of 2005

To get the full effect, this should be read aloud. You will understand
what 'tenjewberrymuds' means by the end of the conversation. This has been nominated for the best email of 2005.

The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and
room-service, at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in
the Far East Economic Review:

Room Service (RS): "Morrin. Roon sirbees."

Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service."

RS: "Rye..Roon sirbees..morrin! Jewish to oddor sunteen??"

G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs."

RS: "Ow July den?"

G: "What??"

RS: "Ow July den?...pryed, boyud, poochd?"

G : "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them?
       Sorry, scrambled please."

RS: "Ow July dee baykem? Crease?"

G: "Crisp will be fine."

RS : "Hokay. An Sahn toes?"

G: "What?"

RS:"An toes. July Sahn toes?"

G: "I don't think so."

RS: "No? Judo wan sahn toes??"

G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo wan sahn
       toes' means."

RS: "Toes! toes!...Why jew don juan toes? Ow bow Anglish moppin we bodder?"

G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. Yes,
       an English muffin will be fine."

RS: "We bodder?"

G: "No...just put the bodder on the side."

RS: "Wad?"

G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."

RS: "Copy?"

G: "Excuse me?"

RS: "Copy...tea...meel?"

G: "Yes. Coffee, please, and that's all."

RS: "One Minnie. Scramah egg, crease baykem, Anglish moppin we bodder on sigh and copy....rye??"

G: "Whatever you say."

RS: "Tenjewberrymuds."

G : "You're very welcome."

Now go and have a good Friday!

Update On Ashley Callie!

The driver of the other car in the accident in which Isidingo actress Ashley Callie died earlier this year, appeared in Randburg Magistrate's Court on Thursday on a charge of culpable homicide and reckless driving. 

It is alleged that Nicolaas Pretorius, 21, was responsible for the death of the actress when his Renault Scénic collided with her Smart car on February 8. He was in the car with five friends when they crashed at an Emmarentia intersection. 

Callie was taken to hospital with serious head injuries and died a week later. 

Accompanied by his mother, Pretorius briefly appeared in court. He indicted that he wanted to appoint his own lawyer and asked for a postponement of one month. 

Senior prosecutor Arnel du Preez said the State had a prima facie case against Pretorius and had sworn statements proving negligent driving by Pretorius. 

She said the State's case rested mostly on a witness who saw how the accident happened. She also said a metro police officer would testify. 

The case was postponed to October 3.

Sharks vs Boland

There are just two Absa Currie Cup matches scheduled for this weekend, both of them taking place on Friday to avoid clashing with the final Springbok Vodacom Tri Nations match on Saturday in Johannesburg. 

The Sharks are back from a three week lay-off and following their fine form before the break, will look to continue that way against the Boland Kavaliers on Friday at 4pm, the match taking place in Wellington. 

They have had to contend with the usual disruptions that seem to follow them each week and there have been a number of changes to the side that last played, with a positive thrown in of a few players returning from injury. 

Although the field is expected to be quite wet and an expansive game might not be suited to the conditions, the team named does show the ability to mix it in the tight as well as open phases and if they play like they have been in recent games, could prove dangerous.

With a three week break, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating – just what effect a break of that length will have on the Sharks’ effort on Friday. “How that break was for us can only be judged on our performance this weekend. The players must be disciplined in what we are trying to do on the field.” 

The second match of the day sees the high-riding Blue Bulls and under pressure Western Province hammering away at each other in Pretoria at 7pm.

That this has been, and promises to continue to be a thrilling tournament, cannot be questioned. However, should both the Bulls and Sharks win their matches, it would take them - along with the Cheetahs - into a small lead over the Lions, with Western Province trailing behind further in fifth place and in danger of missing out on the play-offs altogether. 

Another fascinating weekend’s action awaits and with six matches to go before the semi-finals, the run towards the play-offs just gets more and more interesting as the teams jockey for a favoured position in the knock-out round.

Goooooooood Morning........

Thursday, 28 August 2008


Koop Geskenke Deur Die Web!

Die Afrikaanse Nuusagentskap in samewerking met Ontoweb Media en Inligtingsdienste, bring nou vir jou die maklikste manier om vir iemand ‘n groetekaartjie, boek, e-boek of laserskyf (cd) as geskenk te stuur. Sover bekend is dit die eerste webwerf waar jy jou koopmandjie vol items kan laai en elke item na ‘n afsonderlike bestemming kan stuur. Bestel nou jou groetekaartjies, laserskywe, boeke of e-boeke , en stuur dit vir jou pa, ma, boet of sus. Kry meer inligting hieroor op die webwerf by www.afna.co.za. Moet ook nie vergeet nie dat alle items wêreldwyd afgelewer word! Bestel dit deur die Afrikaanse Nuusagentskap se webwerf en laat hulle die res hanteer. Jy sal sommer baie aan tyd en geld bespaar deur jou geskenke via die webwerf aan te koop en te stuur.

Gaan maak regtig n draai op die webwerf, jy sal verbaas wees met hul pryse en produkte! Hoe makliker kan dit nog gemaak word. Ondersteun Afrikaans!!!!


Daar is n epos wat tans die rondte doen wat op die oog af vanaf Microsoft kom en gratis opgraderings vir Windows XP en Vista aanbied.  Moet asb nie op die skakel in die epos klik nie! n Trojaanse perd (Trojan Horse - Virus) sal op jou rekenaar gelaai word, wat al jou inligting na wie-weet-waar sal stuur.

A Jail In Australia!!!

Can you believe this, yes, it's a prison!

I would think it would be an easy place to escape, but on second thought who would want to escape?!

Can we please get one of the above in Cape Town, I'll volunteer!

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Recent Study

A recent study conducted by Wits University found that the average South African walks about 1200 kms a year.

Another study by the South African Medical Association found that South Africans drink, on average, 100 litres of alcohol a year.

This means, on average South Africans get about 12 kms to the litre.

Kind of makes you proud to be South African!


Pietie wil TV koop en soek n remote.

Agent se geen remote is nodig, jy noem net die stasie en hy skakel self oor.

Piete se "CNN" en wragtig dis op die skerm.

Hy se "E-TV" en dis op die skerm.

Hy vra die agent wat kos die TV. Agent se "R120 000,00"

Pietie se "Kaaaaaaaaak" en highlights van die Springbokke se laaste 4 wedstryde kom op!

New Springbok Jersey For Next Saturday

Monday, 25 August 2008

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Die 4 A's...........

Die 4 A's het bietjie kom kuier!

Andre, Andrea, Aiden, en Analene

Ek het darem al bietjie gegroei!

Boetie is mal oor my!

F1: Massa Wins In Valencia

Felipe Massa took the chequered flag first at the end of the 57-lap European Grand Prix, but with the Brazilian and the Ferrari team under investigation, it remains to be seen if in fact Massa has actually really won the first race around the streets of Valencia.

Kimi Raikkonen, however on the other hand, had an engine blow-up!

What's up with the Ferrari engin?

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Tammy's 1st Birtday!

Tammy had her 1st Birtday, or let's rather say 1st Birthday Party, as she is only turning 1 later in the week.

To join her for her party was Mackey, Peppie, Luke, and Chleo!

Friday, 22 August 2008

All The Sports In The Olympics

Did you know there were so many different sports in the Olympics 2008?
If you did, good for you!
If however you didn't like me, now you know!

I Want One Of Those........(2)

I Want One Of Those: stuff you don't need...... but you really, really want!

Spider Catcher
Deal with your Arachnophobia at arms length with the Spider Catcher. As fun as it can be to squash spiders and other insects, this environmentally-friendly approach will do a better job of it and give you that smug "wouldn't hurt a fly" attitude to boot.

Just imagine the feeling of a spider or moth skittering around on the palm of your closed hand, or the disgusting death-smear left on the wall from an outright assault with a rolled up newspaper. This nifty little gadget eliminates both of those things. The Spider Catcher is basically a long pole with a handle and spiny bristles at the end. Pull the trigger and the bristles open, release the trigger and the bristles close allowing you to capture any wee beasties in your range without damaging them (though we can't be certain that it won't create any long-lasting psychological damage). Take the critter outside and you can release your prey without having to touch it with your hands.

Fantastic for wasps, bees and other stinging insects!


The environmentally friendly way to remove spiders from your house.
Catch and hold spiders or other insects without hurting them (or you!).
Plastic 'grabber' handle and rod, nylon 'grabber' bristles.
Comes with clear bristle protector.
Size: 65 x 15 x 7cm


All Or Nothing For Boks

Durban - It is all or nothing for South Africa in Saturday's Tri-Nations Test between South Africa and Australia in Durban.

While a (belated) win for the Springboks will please most fans, the team realise that nothing less than a four-try win will keep them in the run for the title - and they're convinced that is achievable.

The Wallabies are certain that the Boks will persevere with their new expansive playing style. They could find that this does not imply running with every ball from the outset.

It seems that the senior players - who according to reports have been criticised by coach Peter de Villiers this week for not doing their bit - have seemingly decided that they will interpret the expansive game in a more conservative way. "It does not mean running every ball," is how centre Jean de Villiers explained it. They will start doing that after 40-60 minutes, he explained, after the hard work has been done.

Counting against the Wallabies is the fact they have not won in eight matches in South Africa since 2000. They believe they can change that statistic, but it could come down to more than just talk.

Overall, the Boks could and should win this Test. But the Robbie Deans factor, and the youngsters blended with some of the world's best will certainly pose a problem.

Ultimately it will be about keeping structure for the Boks, making and taking the right decisions and using their opportunities.

Otherwise it will be a hat-trick in Tri-Nations defeats and bye-bye to the 2008 Tri-Nations title.


It's Friday.......


Thursday, 21 August 2008

It's Only Thursday......

Why We Didn't Make The Olympics!

Looking For Safety?

"Security is when everything is settled, 
when nothing can happen to you; security is 
the denial of life."
                                           -- Germaine Greer
Our personality likes to be in control. It likes to know 
how things are and what’s going to happen. 
Underlying this desire for stability and predictability is 
a deep fear that the world is a dangerous place. The 
personality fears it will not survive without continually 
being on guard.

The truth is: we cannot control what happens in life. 
And under the natural law of attraction, we tend to 
attract to us what we focus on. EXPLORE SUBSTITUTING 
TRUST FOR FEAR and the world becomes a gentler, happier place.

"There are no guarantees. From the 
viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough. 
From the viewpoint of love, none are necessary."
                                     -- Emmanuel

"One thing we can do is make the choice to 
view the world in a healthy way. We can 
choose to see the world as safe with only 
moments of danger rather than seeing the 
world as dangerous with only moments of safety."
                                               -- Deepak Chopra

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

I Want One Of Those........(1)

I Want One Of Those: stuff you don't need...... but you really, really want!

USB Panic Button

If you work at a computer, then just like everyone the world over, we're all guilty of doing stuff that isn't strictly speaking 'work' when we're at work. Whether we're playing some inane game, surfing the IWOOT site (which seems to happen a lot), updating our Facebook entry, zipping round the world on Google Earth - whatever the diversion from the mundane reality of work, we need to be able to escape very fast if the boss looms. Not only do you need to be able to duck out of your current diversion quickly, you also need to do it without the evil eye noticing. So a frantic clicking of keys will simply not do, it's far too obvious. Bosses were not born yesterday (as they have an irritating habit of telling us all the time). So what to do? Well get yourself one of these USB Panic Buttons, that's what. Plug it into a USB port and stick the button on the floor by your feet, the moment a suit comes anywhere close, just kick the switch and a suitably busy and important spreadsheet, or flow chart (there's a selection of four you can choose from or you can create your own), will pop up onto your screen - showing you to be the diligent employee you know you're not. A saviour at the click of a button.


An emergency button that pulls up spreadsheets to get you out of trouble. 
Push the button and your choice of screen with immediately come up.
Choose from four geeky looking charts or create your own.
A CD to transfer the software to your PC.
Requires a PC with USB port and CD-rom drive.
Not compatible with Mac.
Suitable for ages 12 years+.
Size: 9 x 5 x 4.5cm.

Quess What Was For Supper?

Yes, yes, yes, baked chicken pieces, potato and onion, with rice, coleslaw and carrot salad on the side! Man it was to die for, the chef outdid herself once again. Wish we could go for leftovers tomorrow night.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Ontmoet Analene Deyzel

Analene Deyzel is die nuutste aankomeling tot die familie! Sy is vanmiddag 17h30 in Karl Bremer Kospitaal gebore en weeg maar net 3.05 kg. Sy is gesond en ma doen ook baie goed. Baie geluk Andre and Andrea op jul dogter, mag sy net geluk en vreaugde bring! Uitendelik het Aiden sy baba sussie.

Book Review: Leaving Jack

After losing his wife and young daughter in a plane crash, US journalist Fletcher Carson joins the flagging war effort in Vietnam where he plans to die. However, during one of his early missions he rescues a critically wounded Labrador and helps nurse him back to life.

Fletcher names the dog Jack and as the bond deepens between them, he slowly begins to regain his will to live. After several successful operations together the US Government finally announces a ceasefire, officially bringing an end to the war.

But it is soon followed by bad news. As the soldiers celebrate an end to the madness, the government announces that due to the cost of withdrawal, all US dogs serving in the war have been declared "surplus military equipment" and will not be transported home.

For the hundreds of dog handlers throughout Vietnam, whose dogs had saved countless lives, the news is greeted with shock and disbelief.

For Fletcher, he knows that if he abandons Jack, then he too will be lost.

What a great book, when you start to read you can not put it down. It's definately a must read!
