Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Friday, 29 August 2008

Update On Ashley Callie!

The driver of the other car in the accident in which Isidingo actress Ashley Callie died earlier this year, appeared in Randburg Magistrate's Court on Thursday on a charge of culpable homicide and reckless driving. 

It is alleged that Nicolaas Pretorius, 21, was responsible for the death of the actress when his Renault ScĂ©nic collided with her Smart car on February 8. He was in the car with five friends when they crashed at an Emmarentia intersection. 

Callie was taken to hospital with serious head injuries and died a week later. 

Accompanied by his mother, Pretorius briefly appeared in court. He indicted that he wanted to appoint his own lawyer and asked for a postponement of one month. 

Senior prosecutor Arnel du Preez said the State had a prima facie case against Pretorius and had sworn statements proving negligent driving by Pretorius. 

She said the State's case rested mostly on a witness who saw how the accident happened. She also said a metro police officer would testify. 

The case was postponed to October 3.

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