Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 06 August 2008

True Or False?

Question 1:  In space it is impossible to cry?

Question 2:  "Copyrightable" it the longest word in the English language that can be written without repeating a letter?

Question 3:  Slug's don't have any noses?

Question 4:  Most Eksimoes have fridges?

Question 5:  An Ostrich's eyes is begger than it's brain?

Question 6:  Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb, was agraid of the dark?

Question 7:  There is no anograms of the word "stationed"?

Question 8:  Taphephobia is the fear of losing your teath?

Question 9:  Over 80,000 photographs are taken around the world every second?

Question 10:  The lettr "t" is the seconds most common letter used in the English language? 


  1. True (there is no gravity, so tears cannot flow)

  2. Flase (it's "uncopyrightable")

  3. False (they have four)

  4. True (to keep their food from freezing)

  5. True

  6. True

  7. False ("antidotes")

  8. False (it's the fear of being buried alive)

  9. False (approximately 2,700 are)

10. True 

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