Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Monday, 18 August 2008

Book Review: Leaving Jack

After losing his wife and young daughter in a plane crash, US journalist Fletcher Carson joins the flagging war effort in Vietnam where he plans to die. However, during one of his early missions he rescues a critically wounded Labrador and helps nurse him back to life.

Fletcher names the dog Jack and as the bond deepens between them, he slowly begins to regain his will to live. After several successful operations together the US Government finally announces a ceasefire, officially bringing an end to the war.

But it is soon followed by bad news. As the soldiers celebrate an end to the madness, the government announces that due to the cost of withdrawal, all US dogs serving in the war have been declared "surplus military equipment" and will not be transported home.

For the hundreds of dog handlers throughout Vietnam, whose dogs had saved countless lives, the news is greeted with shock and disbelief.

For Fletcher, he knows that if he abandons Jack, then he too will be lost.

What a great book, when you start to read you can not put it down. It's definately a must read!


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