Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, 06 August 2008

Animals Matter To Me: Support the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

The Campaign

Help us achieve global recognition that animals matter, that they can feel pain and can suffer and that we have a responsibility to put an end to cruelty around the world. We seek 10 million signatures to let the governments of the world know we are serious about achieving a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at the United Nations.

The scale of suffering for animals in the world today is unprecedented.

Around 60 billion farm animals are used each year globally to produce meat, milk and eggs. The majority are raised in industrial farming systems where their welfare needs are not met.

Globally, there are some 600 million dogs, and a similar number of cats, of which an estimated 80% are stray or unwanted.

The illegal and often inhumane trade in wildlife and wildlife parts is a soaring black market worth $10 billion a year, exceeded only by arms and drug smuggling. Millions of wild animals are killed, captured or traded inhumanely in this shady business.

An estimated 80% of power input on farms in developing countries is supplied by draught animals, however the resources made available are often woefully inadequate, leading to significant welfare issues.

Animals are also affected on a huge scale by natural disasters, though seldom considered.

Improving animal welfare can also improve the welfare of people relying on these animals. Over a billion people directly rely on animals around the world for their livelihoods. People rely on animals' companionship as well, and in many cases animals are considered part of the family. 

For a global problem you need a global solution. Agreement on the importance of an issue affects people's attitudes, and people's attitudes affect their actions. A Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare would have a real, long-term impact on the welfare of billions of animals worldwide.

'Animals Matter To Me' represents the biggest ever global animal welfare initiative linking the entire animal welfare movement under one strategic goal - global recognition that animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering.

For more information, please visit: http://www.animalsmatter.org/. You can make a difference!

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