Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Sunday, 10 August 2008


You Are My Destiny

When you first came into my life,
you were exciting and new to me,
and I wanted so much to be with you
every minute I could...

You were almost to good to be true,
like a dream found deep inside my heart.
Suddenly, you were
a very important part of my future,
and I wanted you there.

Now you are a part of my soul.
I love you deeply, and I can't remember
ever feeling any other way.
I know you are my destiny.
You are what was meant to be,
and you make me so happy.

You are my true love,
and I thank my lucky stars above
for bringing you to me.
I am glad you came into my life.
and I'm so very, very glad
you stayed.

1 comment:

Mallemeule said...

Congratulations guys!!!

Wishing you a lifetime of happiness! Every moment is worth it, even the hard times. Always be each others soft places. Always listen. Always be respectful. And always stand togther!

Lots of love