Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, 02 September 2008

24 Thoughts/Lessons Learnt

  1. Everything can change in an instant.

  2. Sometimes the 'best' games can turn out the most disappointing.

  3. People grow without you noticing and surprise you when you do.

  4. You can have all the time in the world and still be unproductive. Motivation is more important for action than time. 

  5. Values are valued so long as it's profitable to people. Don't expect the same when it's not.

  6. Deo non fortuna - By God, not chance.

  7. You have two options when situations are beyond your control: You can panic or you can watch God do what you cannot.

  8. Patience may be a virtue, but only if you're waiting for something good. 

  9. Some seeds only get released after fire.

10. God deals far better with your mistakes and wrong decisions than you do.

11. Watching a dog watching a spider can be very funny and very facinating.

12. Jy kan nie altyd die een wees wat werk nie. Soms moet jy maar los en wag, al kos dit op die ou end jou iets waardevol. Anders sal jy nooit weet nie.

13. Life is less frustrating when you're active than when you sit still.

14. Sometimes the obvious is the most difficult thing to grasp.

15. A 'yes' isn't always a 'yes'; a 'no' not always a 'no'... so if you want something done that you can't do... it might be a good idea to ask more than one person, just in case.

16. Reviewing doesn't only invite others to read your work, but is insightful, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging and can show you how crummy your writing really is. Ha.

17. People have the habit of surprising you the moment you think you have them pinned.

18. I need to stop doing things solely for the benefit of others because few are going to do things solely for the benefit of mine.

19. You can lose something without sufficient exposure.

20. Medicine helps, but God is the only one who heals.

21. Wens ek kan bietjie meer lig en liefde in my lewe sien. Oh, if wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.

22. Accept the things you cannot do... and kick everyone's ass who expect you to do it.

23. Soms kan mens net nie wen nie, al probeer jy hoe hard.

24. Time does not heal all wounds. In fact, time can leave you tired, worn out and bitter. So whoever came up with that saying should be shot... in the foot.

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