Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Product Review - Emergency Mobile Phone & Mplayer Charger

Ever left your house or office without noticing your mobile phone's battery is nearly flat! Well I know lots of people that do, including me!

Today while browsing a hardware shop looking for something totally not this, I stumbled upon a little gadget that could just make life a little bit easier for people in need of a charger when none is available.

It's called an Emergency Mobile Phone & Mplayer Charger! So what makes this so special? Well a couple of things actually! Firstly it's highly portable and is able to charge both mobile phones and MP3, MP4 players on the go. How is this possible you might ask, well it uses a single AA battery, giving about 2 hours of talk time on your mobile phone and an few hours of playtime with your Mplayer. The charge time is basically the same as for using your normal home charger.

The charger consists of a metal tube, slightly bigger than the AA battery it houses and plugs into your phone, giving you that extra time you need. What makes this product so handy is that you can get hold of a AA battery no matter where you are, there's always a shop around the corner, day or night. The one I bought came with six different adaptors, apparently there are several ones available, so before purchasing, check whether or not it actually fits your phone.

It apparently also comes is several different colours: black, pink, gold, silver, and turquoise so you can match your outfit! At R85 a piece, I've already used mine and it works perfectly!

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