Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Dog Hunting With Disappointment!

Today we went dog hunting! 8 Hours later, and we're still where we started. We decided to take Tammy our Labrador with, seeing that it's going to be her playmate, well that's where all the fun started, as every dog we like, Tammy disliked!

We started of with The Animal Anti Cruelty League, which I though will be the best place as you can pick and choose. OK, we picked and Tammy did not choose. We saw the most adorable Labrador, Cocker Spaniel cross, Tammy just growled. Next we had a look at a slightly bigger dog, not sure the type, but she had good manners and looked well, Tammy wanted to eat her up!

We then decided that maybe a puppy would be best as Tammy would not feel so intimidated. 

Tammy (1year old)

None of the Pet Shops we visited had puppies that would be able to put up with Tammy's energy, so the next best place was the web! After another 2 hours searching the web, we're non the wiser. The next best thing is today's newspaper!

At last we found something, we will go and have a look tomorrow morning, and of course take Tammy with to decide. Please keep your thumbs cross!

The only other problem is the madam of the house, Mackey! She's turning 5 this year and rules with an iron fist, not even Tammy will take her on.

Mackey (5 years old)

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