Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Baggage....... Let It Stay In The Past!

Nowadays, in almost all relationships, comes the emotional baggage that each person takes along with him or her. For obvious reasons, a lot of us, in the beginning, tend to not raise an issue nor even bat an eye regarding these “baggage”. However, as our life progresses and we fall into further intimacy, we creep in and even though we knew all along we shouldn’t, we open Pandora’s Box. It usually starts with simple matter of fact questions like, “Have you been to Venice? Who with? Did you enjoy yourself?” Then you get deeper into the quagmire that you immersed yourself into and you start obsessing about PAST things. And that is what it is – the past.  In truth what do you gain by opening Pandora’s Box, if not just disturbing what balance there is in the universe? And a word from the wise – let sleeping dogs lie. For all the things you discover in the box, what is important now is that you are together and that – and only that matters. And supposing you have opened Pandora’s Box, just remember, fears, ghosts and phantoms only have a hold on you if you are afraid. You may never get them back into the box to lock away, but once they are out, then there is nothing hidden. And when there are no secrets, there are no lies.

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